Nadja’s Story and Mission


The best time I had at work was working in consulting roles alongside with inspiring and smart people achieving together the nearly impossible. I worked in high-performing teams under a lot of pressure and I saw that so many great and smart minds suddenly under-perform, lose all confidence and burn out. Leaders and companies are often puzzled and try their best to get their high performers back on track – usually via training, coaching and other inventions.

I have seen many inspiring success stories and equally as many well-intended and well-designed (training) interventions fail.

To my experience interventions fail for three reasons.

Three Reasons why well-intended Programs fail….

Lonely warrior phenomenon

How often have you been on a great training course that inspired and energised you? How many times have you come back to work and it felt like you try to “convert” very resistant non-believers who do not even give you a minute to listen to your ideas ? Let’s be honest, the chances that you can “convert” your whole team and make a lasting change all on your own are very slim.

When you are a leader you may have a bigger chance to be successful but there might be that underlying feeling that your staff doesn’t “buy it” and doesn’t embrace the new way completely.

Takeaway: Sending a few people to a course (potentially different courses based on their level) does not work.


When utopia meets reality

How often have you been at a course or presentation on how to change things and you thought to yourself, “that’s very nice in theory but…” or “Have they worked here? They clearly don’t have a clue. This would never work here unless...”

In other words, the solutions are impractical, doesn’t take the specific business culture and environment into account, or takes a long tong time to implement. “One size fits all“ doesn’t work.

Takeaway: Solutions that are generic, inflexible and impractical do not work.


No or limited support embedding the learning

Good training programs may fail because there is no guidance and support implementing an idea, tool or concept. People are sent on a course and are then expected to figure it out all by themselves while managing their day to day job. Leaders, staff and teams may not get the support and time to implement and trial and error solutions.

Takeaway: The best training is set up for failure if new ideas are not embedded and supported in the workplace. Embedding the learnings into the workplace - that’s where the magic of a well designed program happens.


The Solution                            

There is an answer to all three roadblocks – working closely together with the leadership team and the entire team using a holistic approach and guide them through the whole experience by following the ACE principle.

  • Awareness & Acceptance

  • Conscious Choice & Action

  • Execution & Embedding


Nadja’s Mission

My mission is to help teams to become stronger, more resilient and successful reaching their full potential whilst staying healthy and balanced. I believe in the united power of great minds, i.e., people coming together to inspire, motivate, empower, support and get the best out of each other to achieve the impossible.


Let’s work together.

If you wish to explore how we can help you and your team, please contact us:

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